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Legal Notice

This is a preliminary draft only. It will be updated asap. A quick summary of its contents: Through posting content to this site, you agree with the following terms:

  • Your posted content is made available to the general public free of charge (obviously), however, you still retain all rights. For example, if you post a piece of music as an example of your work, it is still yours and if other people wish to use it outside of the context of this site, they must ask you for permission.
  • You are free to attach a copyright or licensing notice to your work. Actually, we encourage you to do so.
  • You warrant that the posted content is yours (or in the public domain) and does not violate laws or infringe someone else's rights. Please contact us, if you are unsure whether a certain content is "safe", or not.
  • Cognitone reserves the right to decide whether and where to display the content, or remove it at any time. Prior to deleting content, we will notity the author, so he or she can make a backup copy, if they wish so.
  • Cognitone obtains the right to display and/or refer to your content in all media associated with this site, that is, newsletters, email notifications, banners, slide shows, movies, etc. If Cognitone wishes to use your content in other media or for purposes not related to this site, we will contact you and ask you for permission.

In all regards, unless otherwise noticed, the same terms apply to this site that also applied to cognitone.com. You can read the terms in detail here.